***MY BEGGAR’S BUDDHISM is now in print!***
Proud parents get to present their newborns to the world; writers merely have their latest books to announce, an infinitely less momentous occasion, though also joyful in its way.
Both are overly attached almost by definition; only the former can claim it as a virtue, or a demand of nature at least. Nonetheless, we should all cherish our proud moments, lesser or greater; they are few enough in life and should be relished, not in a self-aggrandizing way, but in a spirit of gratitude and appreciation.
In such a spirit, thanks must go first and foremost to Federico, without whose bookmaking artistry and great patience there would be no print edition, and certainly not such a beautiful one.
I would also like to acknowledge with gratitude the contributions and kindness of Pongchai Rattanapeerapat (Piow Sget Thai), the Bangkok artist who drew the images at the head of this website and on the book cover.
I hope you will all like holding the book in your hands as much as I do. Enjoy, and do please spread the word :)
(For a few more details, notably the preface, see my post of June 30th.)
A keyword search of “My Beggar’s Buddhism” on Amazon should turn up the book easily enough. (Please note that the subtitle of the most recent edition is "Meditations from Bangkok," not Reflections as before.)
You can also go through my author’s page:
And while we are at it, here’s the link to my more academic writings:
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30 June 2023. Only a teaser, not a substitute for the print edition, which alone makes for the experience I would recommend.