Post #137: The Teaching Prison of Our Sensations
5 Sep. 2024. It makes so much sense, and yet, and yet...
Post #138: Coffee
9 Sep. 2024. Another Hotel California of mine, it seems: I can quit for a while any time I like, but I can never leave...
Post #139: Employment and Its Discontents
10 Sep. 2024. Just another four-letter word, it has been said, and nobody's favorite one, so far as I know...
Post #140: Sickness and Death
11 Sep. 2024. We don't usually like to think about it, but we probably should, at least sometimes...
Post #141: Why I Write
15 Sep. 2024. Writing is an exhausting struggle, Orwell thought, that one would never undertake if one were not driven on by some demon...
Post #142: Getting Old
20 Sep. 2024. Perhaps the ultimate challenge to anyone's wisdom, such as it is...
Post #143: Amor Fati
21 Sep. 2024. No question of denying freedom and responsibility, but of accepting and even embracing, with Nietzsche, how things turn out.
Post #144: Felix Austria and Her Cousin Germania
22 Sep. 2024. Some free-range reflections on matters Germanic in the widest sense.
Post #145: Vox Populi
23 Sep. 2024. “No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money.” (Samuel Johnson)
Post #146: Hope
27 Sep. 2024. “Hope springs eternal in the human breast." (Alexander Pope)
Post #147: Live Not by Lies
5 Oct. 2024. “What is truth?” Pilate said to him. And then he went out and announced that he could find no fault in the man at all...
Post #148: Nightmare Fantasies
6 Oct. 2024. The opposite of a happy bedtime story. More on the poisons in politics to which I am no more immune than anyone...
Post #149: KBO (Churchill)
9 Oct. 2024. “Where there is much light, the shadow will be a strong one also.” (J.W. von Goethe, “Goetz von Berlichingen”)
Post #150: What Is a Philosopher?
12 Oct. 2024. “If you commit to philosophy, expect to be laughed at: 'My, my, look what we have here: a Philosopher among us!'” (Epictetus)
Post #151: Enemies
13 Oct. 2024. “Beware: if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze also into you.” (Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, IV.146)
Post #152: Giving and Sharing
16 Oct. 2024. “If beings knew the benefits of giving, they would not eat another mouthful without having shared some of their meal.” (B.)
Post #153: The Fool and the Tao
21 Oct. 2024. A fool is a fool is a fool, is he not?
Post #154: Tact and Truth
30 Oct. 2024. “What good is salt if it does not sting, what use the edge of a sword if it does not cut?” (Martin Luther)
Post #155: Not Good Enough
31 Oct. 2024. The best may be the enemy of the good, but where would we be without a sense of the better?
Post #156: To Trump or Not To Trump
4 Nov. 2024. Enough already...
Post #157: The Day After
7 Nov. 2024. More than enough...
Post #158: Amusing Ourselves to Death
9 Nov. 2024. Why Mr. Trump is many things, but not a fascist.
Post #159: Die alten Leiden des nichtmehrjungen D.
11 Nov. 2024. A very personal confession around being German, in German.
Post #160: The George Washington Test
14 Nov. 2024. Of arranged political marriages and matches made in Marvel heaven.