Post #90: “Falling Off the Path”
11 Feb. 2024. So you think you've fallen off the Path. Easier said than done: where are you going to fall to? Will you forget everything?
Post #91: Discontentment
12 Feb. 2024. Nobody enjoys feeling discontented, and saintly beings supposedly rise above it. So should we all be rid of it right now?
Post #92: The Sphinx
14 Feb. 2024. The Sphinx may look monstrous at first sight, but is that all there is to her? What does she really represent?
Post #93: The Way of the Stoics
15 Feb. 2024. Stoicism was good enough for Epictetus (former slave), Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor), and Jim Stockdale (POW). And you?
Post #94: Indian Summer
16 Feb. 2024. More than any specific season in life, the Indian summer is a mood, though not unconnected to the passing of the years...
Post #95: Don Quixote
17 Feb. 2024. It's a story that many have heard, in part, but the key to it all is hidden at the end, far, far away.
Post #96: Lust, Caution
17 Feb. 2024. No, this is not in fact a reflection on lust, nor on caution, but on where one's allegiances in life truly lie.
Post #97: The Arctic Darkness and the Common Cold
18 Feb. 2024. This Beggar's Buddhist, defeated by a trifling bug, pays homage to the heroic courage of Alexei Navalny.
Post #98: Redemption Songs
20 Feb. 2024. Are you too waiting for the the Sugar Man?
Post #99: The Gentleman (A Draft Obituary)
25 Feb. 2024. The gentleman is dead. Long live the gentleman!
Post #100: Man’s Search for Meaning
28 Feb. 2024. He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How.
Post #101: Saying Your Good-Byes
1 March 2024. A farewell to the dear departed.
Post #102: Sisyphus
14 March 2024. Charlie Brown has his football; we have our boulders. Keep kicking, Charlie, no matter how often Susie pulls it away!
Post #103: Bubbles in the Stream
22 March 2024. "So you should view this fleeting world—a star at dawn, a bubble in a stream, a flash of lightning ... and a dream."
Post #104: Confidence Issues
24 March 2024. Who wouldn't want to be more confident? Or is it perhaps not that simple?
Post #105: How Do You Say Portnoy in German?
31 March 2024. Such, such were the joys...
Post #106: Our Troubles with the Reality Principle
1 April 2024. An "innocent and nice" treatment, says my friend Chris, of a difficult issue. Judge for yourself...
Post #107: Voting with Your Wallet
2 April 2024. Some thoughts on what to do with your savings. Consider it in the abstract if, like me, you don't have much to invest :)
Post #108: Messrs. Jekyll and Hyde
4 April 2024. No disrespect to the musical, but this one has nothing to do with entertainment...
Post #109: Gifts of Fortune (Wisdom)
1 May 2024. A date with Lady Fortuna, on occasion of the blog's first birthday :)
Post #110: The Courage To Be Disliked
10 May 2024. A meditation on the lovely book by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. Freedom is being disliked by other people.
Post #111: Cheer Up, You Are Not Special
15 May 2024. Take heart and read on: not only does it sound scarier than it is, you might even be relieved...
Post #112: The Shadow-Line
18 May 2024. "All my life before that day is infinitely remote, a fading memory of youth, something on the other side of a shadow."
Post #113: Minding Our Worst Moments
25 May 2024. Some thoughts on crime and punishment without a single reference to Dostoevsky. What is the world coming to?