Post #66: Meditation “Belts”
28 Sept. 2023. A silly reflection on counting hours. Not to be taken too seriously.
Post #67: Concentration and Equanimity
29 Sept. 2023. The two wings of the Vipassana bird, according to S.N. Goenka.
Post #68: The Old Liberal School
30 Sept. 2023. Old as in time-honored, not outdated.
Post #69: Dread
3 Oct. 2023. Fear may be the creaturely default position. That's not terribly heartening, but you can work your way up from the swamp.
Post #70: Liberation
6 Oct. 2023. Where does it all lead? We would all like to be told reliably, but we need to find out for ourselves. Keep walking. You can.
Post #71: Giving Up
12 Oct. 2023. Giving up and quitting may turn out not be the same thing at all; not even close.
Post #72: Ever-Erring Mankind (Mistakes)
19 Oct. 2023. I hate making mistakes, but such is life. Learn and don’t forget to be compassionate with yourself too, not only with others.
Post #73: The Yoga of Botox
22 Oct. 2023. Sounds pretty silly, I realize, but there are some serious issues behind it.
Post #74: An Iron Cross and a Menorah
25 Oct. 2023. A bit of family history, for the record. In loving memory of my dear maternal grandfather.
Post #75: Chasing after Wind
31 Oct. 2023. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
Post #76: The Tao and the Dogs of War (Israel)
3 Nov. 2023. "Beautifully written, brilliantly thought out, and above all, deeply and movingly felt." (Barton Kunstler)
Post #77: Teach and Trust, or Bust (The Church of Reason)
15 Nov. 2023. I salute Robert Pirsig and his Art of Motorcycle Maintenance! Still a keeper after all these years.
Post #78: Boredom and Excitement
22 Nov. 2023. Maintain your balance on the high-wire and don't look down too much. It's a long fall either way.
Post #79: Taking Things Too Personally
25 Nov. 2023. Do I ever struggle with this one. Sigh.
Post #80: The Art of Living
29 Nov. 2023. Yes, it's tough, I know. But if it were easy it wouldn’t be much of an art now, would it :)
Post #81: No Barking in Bangkok
1 Dec. 2023. Where have all the doggies gone, long time passing… No criticisms here, only appreciations.
Post #82: The City of Angels (A Tribute)
4 Dec. 2023. Thank you, Bangkok! With a salute to Lawrence Osborne.
Post #83: Generation Air (J’Accuse…!)
14 Dec. 2023. No great pleasure to write (or to read, I suspect), but something I had to get off my chest.
Post #84: All-Too Personal, Reconsidered
18 Dec. 2023. An important point of difference between writers and academics—difficult creatures both, but not the same.
Post #85: The Four Harmonious Friends (Diversity)
15 Jan. 2024. The watchword is there, no need to summarize. See for yourself.
Post #86: Rolling Up the Mat
2 Feb. 2024. Enough already, you may think to yourself sometimes. So you decide to give it up. But what comes then?
Post #87: The Gambler in All of Us (Risk)
2 Feb. 2024. Throwing the dice is inevitable in life. Bad boys may take to it more than nice guys, but no one can escape Lady Fortuna.
Post #88: The Joker and the Fool
8 Feb. 2024. Of wild cards and the itch to bring out your matches on the shores of Lake Geneva...
Post #89: Enter the Yogi-Bhogi…
9 Feb. 2024. A yogi is a spiritual seeker, a bhogi an everyman, a player for pleasure and avoider of discomfort. What might a yogi-bhogi be?