A list of all 174+ texts—or "meditations" as I call them in the print edition—for easier reference, with links and a new index. Enjoy :)
***MY BEGGAR’S BUDDHISM is now in print!***
Some acknowledgements and the links to the book version of my texts and to my author's pages on Amazon and Academia.edu.
***THE VIEW is up on SUBSTACK***
1 Jan. 2025. I've started adding my posts at pellerinbkk.substack.com, but everything here will stay as it was :)
***Access via Pellerin.blue***
31 Dec. 2024. Just an additional way to get to the site that you might find easier to remember in a pinch, with my take on blue.
Post #1: On the Path, Off the Path?
29 April 2023. Where it all began: Am I a Buddhist or am I not, and what would it really mean to give either answer?
Post #2: The Mat and I
29 April 2023. Doing your daily sittings is not everything, but regular meditation is an important part of the practice. Some reflections.
Post #3: Practice as if Your Hair Were on Fire?
30 April 2023. The Buddha's exhortations suggest a great sense of urgency around Dhamma practice. So how gung-ho should you get?
Post #4: Anicca and the Bog of Despond
1 May 2023. The dark night of the soul and what can be done about it. How pondering impermanence helps...
Post #5: All That’s Solid Melts into Air…
1 May 2023. How solid and stable are things really? The Dhamma as an anchor and a compass in life.
Post #6: My Beggar’s Buddhism
2 May 2023. Why I think of my practice as a poor man's Dhamma. Hint: it has nothing to do with devaluing the Path or downplaying my efforts.
Post #7: What Is Vipassana?
3 May 2023. Some thoughts on the meditation technique that I have been practicing for almost 20 years now, with pointers to more resources.
Post #8: Anger, Fear, and Sadness
4 May 2023. Negative emotions are unwelcome to us for a reason, but are they really as unnecessary and baneful as they may seem?
Post #9: There Is a Crack in Everything…
… that is how the light gets in (7 May 2023).
Post #10: The Unhappy Buddhist
12 May 2023. Everyone knows that good Buddhists are a happy, ever-smiling lot. Or aren’t they?
Post #11: Starting Again, and Again, and Again…
14 May 2023. "Continuity of practice is the secret of success." What if you keep dropping the ball? Pick it up with a smile and try again!
Post #12: Seasons (Dhamma Blowback)
15 May 2023. For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven...
Post #13: Tripping over Pebbles on the Path
16 May 2023. Isn't it enough that we get tripped up so much in life? Does it have to be over such wretchedly small things too?
Post #14: Choose Your Suffering
17 May 2023. Comical as it may sound, this is not a joke. Suffering is not optional, so choose yours wisely.
Post #15: Left and Right
17 May 2023. Political divisions are inevitable, and it is their nature to separate us into hostile camps. So do we need to be enemies?
Post #16: A Lovely Passage from Nietzsche, and the Eight Vicissitudes
18 May 2023. You can’t be serious! First you call Nietzsche “lovely” (of all things), then you make a Buddhist of him? What next?
Post #17: Pain and the River Ganges
18 May 2023. How I wish there were an easy way to deal with pain! Alas, there isn’t; but something can still be done about it.
Post #18: Dhamma Posturing
19 May 2023. This one is not just about others, but about the little Dhamma poser in all of us…
Post #19: Hold on Tightly, Let Go Lightly
20 May 2023. If you could do even this one thing perfectly (or these two, you quibbler), then you might not have much left to learn here...
Post #20: The Writer and the Meditator
20 May 2023. A Montaignian angle on meditation, with dashes of Marcus Aurelius and a tribute to a particularly memorable group of students.